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Halo InfiniteCyberpunk 2077Gears of War 5
Halo Infinite

Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, PC

We Worked On

Architecture & Sets, Prop Art

We were shook when 343 gave us some of their biggest, most iconic buildings in the game.

Pixel Mafia had a chance to help conceptualize and re-design many of massive buildings and architecture sets in Halo Infinite. Needless to say, it was a dream come true for a lot of us.

Customized SETS

We had a chance to work on a lot of the modular sets and designing a lot of the details that make it Halo. With  the support from 343 and the help of our concept team allowed us to build many configurations for several maps

Pixel Mafia had a chance to help conceptualize and re-design many of massive buildings and architecture sets in Halo Infinite.
Massive Structures

Much of the work we did were the larger than life structures seen from many angles of the map. The team had to make sure everything had just the right amount of detail to give that iconic Halo look.


Props & Mega Structures

Diablo 2

Right arrow symbol



Cyberpunk 2077