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Halo InfiniteCyberpunk 2077Gears of War 5
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Xbox One, Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC

We Worked On

Concept Art, Architecture & Sets, Prop Art, Characters, Weapons

Pixel Mafia had a blast working on the explosive world of TTW. Go Tina!

The Borderlands franchise has such a unique look and feel, and it is no different for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. This world is as unique as it is wacky - and we loved every moment working on it.

Thinking outside the box

At Pixel Mafia, we always crave projects that make us roll up our sleeves and put our creative caps on. Gearbox has always allowed our concept and 3D teams do their thing. Not much more you can ask for.

3D Rendered SDU Deck for the game Tiny Tina Wonderlands
This world is as unique as it is wacky - and we loved every moment working on it.
Cheersplosive Visuals

Tiny Tina’s world is part rock concert, part post-apocalyptic wasteland. To build this world, Pixel Mafia used a cell-shaded, highly-saturated esthetic. The assets looked like they were lifted off a comic book, but make no mistake — this is serious work.

It's so stylish

Tiny Tina’s world is part rock concert, part post-apocalyptic wasteland. To build this world, Pixel Mafia used an inking process, with a mixture of stylized texturing. The assets looked like they were lifted off a comic book, but make no mistake — this is serious work.



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